All our testing is conducted by independent, third-party providers (WebPageTest API & Co2.js API) to ensure impartiality and accuracy.
Our first step is make sure your website is hosted on the high performance and sustainable server:
We seamlessly transition your existing website to our ultra-fast, ultra-reliable servers powered entirely by renewable energy, without any interruption to service.
Although a critical step, moving to a greener or more premium hosting solution by itself does not reduce excess data demand or address whether a website is correctly configured and maintained, so we do not stop there…
Next, we conduct a series of updates on your website to fully optimise it in key areas including (but not limited to):
Security & Reliability: We perform updates of all redundant software, check & correct error logs, replace depreciated code and upgrade security
Speed & Performance: Specific file types are optimised to reduce size, caching and compression are added to further reduce data transfer.
Key SEO Metrics: Additionally we also optimise key on-site SEO metrics to ensure the website is visible on search engines.
Finally, after your optimised website is seamlessly deployed, we continue to monitor and maintain it, 24hrs a day, in service critical areas including:
Uptime: Unlike other hosting providers, we monitor the uptime of your website 24/7 to ensure it is always online and available.
Security: Our specialist software prevents attacks on the website by hackers and blocks suspicious IP addresses to reduce server demand.
Updates: All software is kept up-to-date, backed up and error checked 24/7, this includes monthly reports emailed directly to you.