Website Audit View Staging Site
Performance Metrics
With an overall Performance Metric of 98/100 the website has an excellent foundation for providing an exceptional user experience with a few small adjustments recommended.
At 2.77mb, the home page size does need to be reduced. We would recommend image compression, page caching and script minification (in addition to other updates) to reduce the page size. This will significantly improve both the initial content loading speed of 0.690s and overall page loading time of 1s.
SEO Metrics
With an overall SEO Score of 70/100 the website has not been configured correctly for several key SEO metrics. With 2 Warnings and 17 Failures there are quite a few areas which can be improved on as detailed in the downloadable PDF report.
Most of the WordPress sites we handle tend to harbor outdated plugins or themes, presenting potential security risks. Many of these sites lack adequate security measures, with instances of outdated PHP versions and deprecated code being common occurrences. To mitigate potential security and performance issues, we strongly advise maintaining a baseline level of upkeep, ensuring all components are regularly updated and monitored on the site.
- Updated all plugins (9)
- Deleted unused plugins (3)
- Installed developer license on ACF
- Installed WordFence Security
- WordFence firewall protection level updated
- WordFence scan sensitivity increased
- SSL Manager Installed
- Yoast Installed
- Database prefix is renamed and randomised
- LiteSpeed cache installed and configured:
- Default Cache
- Higher TTL
- Browser Cache
- Image Optimisation
- Mobile Cache
- Guest Mode and Guest Optimization
- CSS, JS and HTML Minification
- Font Display Optimisation
- JS Defer for both external and inline JS
- DNS Prefetch for static files
- Gravatar Cache
- Remove Query Strings from Static Files
- Remove WordPress Emoji
- Remove Noscript Tags